30 Июн

Sowjetunion 2.0? Nostalgie zur sowjetischen Vergangenheit im Internet

Hannah Subbotin, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, е-mail: ha.subbotina@gmail.com


In the last years, many offers in the Internet that deal with the Soviet past in a positive way enjoyed increasing popularity. Hereafter I am going to show some examples from an analysis of these web pages, trying to find out who is the target group and what are their interests, because there are not only those people discussing the Soviet past in online blogs and web pages who lived in this era themselves, but also many young users, who were born after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and now desire to return to Soviet times. The reasons are in a “unsufficient“ present which is contrasted with a glorifying way of presenting the Soviet history in media.

Ключевые слова: Nostalgie, Soviet past, online blogs, generation, Soviet history.

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Subbotin H. Sowjetunion 2.0? Nostalgie zur sowjetischen Vergangenheit im Internet // Upravlenie v sovremennih sistemah. 2016. № 2(9). С. 23-29.

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Сетевое издание "Управление в современных системах", ISSN 2311-1313, 12+
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